Wellbeing Tips

Well-being Tips

We have some recommendations that will be very useful to work on irritability and diminish.

Here we have some recommendations and tips to sleep better and improve your sleep habits.


When distress becomes very often in our daily life, it is important to follow these tips.


Here we have some recommendations to cheer you up, when you need some emotional support.


How can we prevent stress from being too intense or prolonged? Check out our tips to manage stress.


It is possible that we find it difficult to speak in public, or feel nervous in the face of a new challenge. If so, these tips will help you control your nerves.

When sometimes we act without thinking, we recommend following these tips to help you control those behaviour.

Sometimes worrying too much about things could stop us from solving a problem. How to deal with that? Here in our guide we tell you how.

Feel frustrated sometimes is normal. However, sometimes it can make us feel overwhelmed. Let’s follow these recommendations!

Feeling misunderstood can be the reason of some situations that could isolated from the rest. Follow these tips and advices to helpy you.

Boredomcan be linked to routine and lack of challenges, however, it can be the opportunity to spark creativity.

Here we have some recommendations that will be very useful to work on irritability and diminish.

Here we have some recommendations and tips to sleep better and improve your sleep habits.

When distress becomes very often in our routine and daily life, it is important to follow these tips.

Here we have some recommendations to cheer you up, when you need some emotional support.

How can we prevent stress from being too intense or prolonged? Check out our tips to manage stress.

It is possible that we find it difficult to speak in public, or feel nervous in the face of a new challenge. If so, these tips will help you control your nerves.

When sometimes we act without thinking, we recommend following these tips to help you control those behaviour.

Sometimes worrying too much about things could stop us from solving a problem. How to deal with that? Here in our guide we tell you how.

Feel frustrated sometimes is normal. However, sometimes it can make us feel overwhelmed. Let’s follow these recommendations!

Feeling misunderstood can be the reason of some situations that could isolated from the rest. Follow these tips and advices to helpy you.

Boredom can be linked to routine and lack of challenges, however, it can be the opportunity to spark creativity.


Elegir tu carrera u oficio no es tarea fácil, y lo primero es aprender de ti mismo, conocer tus virtudes y habilidades. Mira estos consejos acá.

Es cada vez más recurrente y alarmante la conducta excesiva por las pantallas. Acá te dejamos algunos consejos para disminuir esta tendencia.

Hay veces que no nos sentimos bien con nosotros mismos y puede afectar nuestra salud mental. Sigue estos consejos para subir tu autoestima!

Abusar de sustancias no solucionará tus problemas, acá te dejamos algunas señales y consejos para apoyarte en tu recuperación y salir adelante.

Descubrir y celebrar la propia identidad sexual es normal, y a veces es común preguntarse  por la orientación sexual. Mira nuestros tips y consejos!


Convivir con tus seres queridos a veces puede ser complejo. Si tienes algunos problemas con alguien de tu familia, te dejamos algunos consejos.

Ser asertivo puede ayudarnos variadas situaciones cotidianas. Acá te dejamos algunos consejos para ayudarte a ser más asertivo en tus actos.

Tener habilidades sociales no es fácil, necesitaras practicar para ganar confianza en ti mismo, y así hablar con los demás sin sentirte avergonzad@.

Si has sido víctima de acoso o bullying por algún motivo, no te desanimes, no estás solo. Sigue estos consejos que tenemos especialmente para ti.